Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
Eagle Eye (2008) BluRay
Release Date: 15 October 2008 (Indonesia)
Genre: Action | Mystery | Thriller
Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan and Rosario Dawson
Quality: BDRip 720p
Source: 720p.BluRay.x264-SEPTiC
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
Selasa, 19 Juli 2011
Manfaat tanaman hias Sansevieria
Sebuah fakta menarik, bahwa Lembaga Penerbangan Antariksa AS (NASA) menanam ribuan sansevieria di dekat instalasi nuklirnya. Lokasi penanaman ini hanya berjarak sekitar 10-25 meter dari instalasi nuklir tersebut. Apabila suatu saat terjadi kebocoran, maka ribuan sansevieria tersebut akan meredamnya.
Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sanseveira mampu menyerap 107 jenis racun. Termasuk racun-racun yang terkandung dalam polusi udara (karbonmonoksida), racun rokok (nikotin), bahkan radiasi nuklir. Riset lainnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk ruangan seluas 100 m3 cukup ditempatkan Sansevieria Lorentii dewasa berdaun 5 helai agar ruangan itu bebas polutan.
Minggu, 17 Juli 2011
Melatih Otak untuk Pertajam Ingatan

Manfaat dan Khasiat Pare
Pare mengandung kadar betakaroten dua kali lipat lebih banyak dari brokoli. Pare juga mengandung betakaroten yang sangat bagus untuk membasmi sel kanker, menghambat serangan jantung dan mengatasi infeksi karena virus.
Khasiat Dan Manfaat Buah Mengkudu
Manfaat Buah Jambu Biji
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
Perbandingan Dunia dan Akhirat
larangn sombong dalam islam
tradisi melagukan shalawat dan puji-pujian
Berdasarkan keterangan yang diperoleh dari sejumlah ulama di Nagari Koto Gadang, Maninjau (Kecamatan Tanjung Raya, Kabupaten Agam, Provinsi Sumatera Barat) "perbuatan mengucapkan zikir" atau berzikir itu dalam dialek setempat lazim disebut badikia
Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011
lelaki penghias kubur
Senin, 04 Juli 2011
Takabaur (Sombong)
simple present tense
Arti simple yaitu sederhana, sedangkan present adalah sekarang. Jadi bisa dikatakan bahwa Simple Present adalah tenses (pola kalimat) yang digunakan untuk menceritakan waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana. Nama lain daripada Present adalah BENTUK 1.
Minggu, 03 Juli 2011
Di Indonesia di kenal 16 tenses bahasa inggris meski secara umum hanya 12 tenses. Tenses english secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai pola kalimat yang berubah menurut waktu merujuk pada masa lalu (Past), masa sekarang (Present) dan masa depan (Future). Dengan memahami tenses bahasa inggris kita bisa menyusun kalimat dengan lebih baik meski tidak harus selalu kita gunakan.
Berikut 16 tenses bahasa inggris yang akan kita pelajari dalam topik kali ini :
Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011
In English, knowing when to use 'a' or 'the' can be difficult. Fortunately, there are rules to help you, but you need to know what type of noun you are using.
Grammar rule 1
When you have a single, countable English noun, you must always have an article before it. We cannot say "please pass me pen", we must say "please pass me the pen" or "please pass me a pen" or "please pass me your pen".
Nouns in English can also be uncountable. Uncountable nouns can be concepts, such as 'life', 'happiness' and so on, or materials and substances, such as 'coffee', or 'wood'.
Grammar rule 2
Uncountable nouns don't use 'a' or 'an'. This is because you can't count them. For example, advice is an uncountable noun. You can't say "he gave me an advice", but you can say "he gave me some advice", or "he gave me a piece of advice".
Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable. For example, we say "coffee" meaning the product, but we say "a coffee" when asking for one cup of coffee.
Grammar rule 3
You can use 'the' to make general things specific. You can use 'the' with any type of noun – plural or singular, countable or uncountable.
"Please pass me a pen" – any pen.
"Please pass me the pen" – the one that we can both see.
"Children grow up quickly" – children in general.
"The children I know grow up quickly" – not all children, just the ones I know.
"Poetry can be beautiful"- poetry in general.
"The poetry of Hopkins is beautiful" – I'm only talking about the poetry Hopkins wrote.
More uses of articles in English
Rivers, mountain ranges, seas, oceans and geographic areas all use 'the'.
For example, "The Thames", "The Alps", "The Atlantic Ocean", "The Middle East".
Unique things have 'the'.
For example, "the sun", "the moon".
Some institutional buildings don't have an article if you visit them for the reason these buildings exist. But if you go to the building for another reason, you must use 'the'.
"Her husband is in prison." (He's a prisoner.)
"She goes to the prison to see him once a month."
"My son is in school." (He's a student.)
"I'm going to the school to see the head master."
"She's in hospital at the moment." (She's ill.)
"Her husband goes to the hospital to see her every afternoon."
Musical instruments use 'the'.
"She plays the piano."
Sports don't have an article.
"He plays football."
Illnesses don't have an article.
"He's got appendicitis."
But we say "a cold" and "a headache".
Jobs use 'a'.
"I'm a teacher."
We don't use 'a' if the country is singular. "He lives in England." But if the country's name has a "plural" meaning, we use 'the'. "The People's Republic of China", "The Netherlands", "The United States of America".
Continents, towns and streets don't have an article.
"Africa", "New York", "Church Street".
Theatres, cinemas and hotels have 'the'.
"The Odeon", "The Almeira", "The Hilton".
Abbreviations use 'the'.
"the UN", "the USA", "the IMF".
We use 'the' before classes of people.
"the rich", "the poor", "the British".